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the freezer is under control

February 24, 2024

I haven’t posted in a while because I’ve been busy micromanaging Ali’s grocery store visits as well as trying my hardest to utilize the overwhelming contents of our freezer.

(Incidentally, I am still terrified of throwing food away.)

I’m thrilled to report that after several laborious search and rescue missions, I found and used many forgotten items including pieces of raw steak wrapped half-assedly (not a word I know) in foil remnants (I’m sure we can all guess who the culprit was here), a box of mochi (I’m looking at you Maya), and a mysterious aluminum container filled with cubes of mozzarella (this has me written all over it if I’m being honest).

The freezer is now under control and I’m about to release Ali back into the wilds of the Whole Foods frozen food section with minimal supervision.

Next item to tackle: the crumpled accumulation of Whole Foods, CVS, and Trader Joe receipts that Ali collects on the entry way table and in all of our reusable shopping bags because “I have trouble throwing things out.”

So one of us can’t throw out receipts and the other can’t throw out food.

I probably shouldn’t judge but sadly I do. And I will.

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